Kueh Bahulu

Posted by Yen on 21:29

I have long been trying to make kueh bahulu, and i have came across Sinner's blog mentioning about the mould that he got from Malaysia, and the kueh bahulu that he made was so appealing, it made me drool! I tried to look out for this mould in Singapore and finally found them in Poon Huat. ya- ba- da- ba- dooo!!

My first attempt was a failure as i had the wrong setting for my oven. :(  It tasted burnt and did not have the fluffness a kueh bahulu should have. But I was not fazed by this setback and started on a 2nd attempt. It was a success but as the mould was new, a bit of the kueh bahulu stuck onto it...... The kueh bahulu was soft and spongy, and was sweet instead of burnt. But unlike those kueh bahulus that I can find in stores, the exterior of mine did not had any crispy crust. Does anyone know the "secret" to make this crust?
Despite that, I am happy that I managed to make a kueh bahulu (although not very successful). My son loved it so much that he finished the whole container (0.0)